GB Status and Extras

Promenade (Solder RP2040)

Prototypes tesing in progress. Most functions seem normal.

Kousa TKL

There is a limited number of Kousa TKL pcbs remaining after the in-stock private GB. These will be available at the same time as Promenade extras.

Promenade (HS)

July 28: 1.5u USB-C PCB and FR4 plates restocked.

July 19:
Restock of 1.5u USB and FR4 plates coming soon.

Feb 2:
The Promenade HS Group Buy window has closed. Thank you for your purchases! Orders will be tallied this weekend. Quotes will be requested and orders will be placed next week. Lunar New Year will likely cause a manufacturing slowdown in China, so there may not be any updates for a few weeks after orders are placed.

Feb 17: Waiting on components to be delivered to manufacturer before full order is submitted.

March 15: Still waiting on last components to be delivered. The are expected to arrive next week.

March 21: Parts arrived and manufacturing should begin shortly.

March 23: PCBs and Plates in production.

April 3: PCBs and Plates have finished production. Order is on its way to me. ETA April 10.

April 15: PCBs and Plates have arrived after a short delay in customs.

April 30: Roughly half of GB orders have been shipped. The rest will be shipped this week.

May 31: All orders held for Kousa TKL pcbs have shipped and the group buy has concluded. Extras will be available later in June.

PCB and Plate Manufacturing: Complete


PCB QC and flashing:  Complete


Shipping: Complete

[////////////////////////////100%] All orders not being held for Kousa pcbs have shipped.

For questions and more updates please visit the Discord.



PCB Extras available in the store. Please contact me if you are interested in a case.


GB Shipping Progress: Complete

[////////////////////////////100%] Completed April 9

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